What the Future of Travel Will Look Like Post-Pandemic

The world we knew before this pandemic will never be the same. We have been slowly adapting to a new norm in our everyday lives from wearing masks while shopping to social distancing when out in public.  When travel bans begin to lift and life gets a bit calmer, those who can travel will want to prepare for what new travel norms may look like.

Here are some predictions of what the future of travel may look like post-pandemic:

Wear a mask wherever we go

Uber is planning to require drivers and passengers to wear masks. Stores, public transit, and many places with a lot of people are requiring masks. Airlines are already starting to require all employees and passengers to wear a mask. Masks may need to be added to our list of essentials along with our license and passport.


More time getting through security and immigration

There may be more checks and requirements when going through airports. For example, temperature checks, random selection swap tests.


Visas will be harder to obtain

In addition to the reason for visiting, dates, and where we will be staying, we may need to provide our list of vaccinations and medical history.


Sustainability could go both ways

People may worry restaurants are not cleaning their silverware or reusable straws properly and bring their own. Not knowing how plastic utensils were handled outside, people may start bringing their own. On the flip side, things like gloves, wipes, and other one-time use items will begin to pile up.


Expect long lines and limited admission

Access to a place like Havasu Walls in the Grand Canyon is already a lottery and difficult to get permits for. With social distancing, the number of allowed people in a space may be even more limited. Along with that, lines to get into places will be out the door because of the spacing between groups and people.


There will be a quicker adoption of digital

More places will want to begin accepting contactless payment over cash. We can also expect to see more availabilities of online and contactless check-ins.


Cleanliness reviews will make or break a business

When searching for accommodations and other vacation rentals, the cleanliness scale will hold a lot more weight. Businesses will need to implement new cleaning and sanitation standards.


Business travel will be limited

Companies are already reevaluating what business travels are really essential. They don’t want to run the risk of their employees getting sick during a business trip. As technology becomes more readily available, virtual meetings will be more standard.


Roadtrips and outdoor activities will become more favorable

Even now, we can see the increased interest in hiking trails and people hanging out at parks. People will also be looking to avoid planes and trains where there are more people.