#IamRemarkable by Google Empowers Women Through Emotional Workshops

#IamRemarkable because I can speak 3 languages and understand another

#IamRemarkable because I handle all the medical and financial paperwork for my family

#IamRemarkable because I can pick tasks up at work quickly

#IamRemarkable because I am stepping out of my comfort zone writing something like this

Writing something like this for many people, especially women, is not easy. Studies show that both men and women feel that when women talk about their accomplishments, they are less likable. That is because society has ingrained in us that women should be modest. This is where we end this article about the division between men and women. This article is for anyone who is modest, shy, quiet, or just doesn’t like to talk about themselves.

“#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.”

I recently attended a workshop run by a Google trained facilitator on why self-promotion is important, especially in the workplace. 

Accomplished don’t speak for themselves.

“Without exercising the ability to sell oneself, individuals are likely to languish behind their self-promoting peers.”

Managers have so much going on and so many people to manage. Your teammates are not going to talk about your contribution to the project during their meetings. They’re going to talk about their own. If you do not speak for your own accomplishments, they will be looked pass. So when that dreadful discussion at mid-year and year-end comes around, you have to be able to confidently talk about all your amazing contributions to your boss.

Tip: Each week, make a list of all the things you did for the project, for your professional growth, for internal side projects whether they are big or small. When it comes time for your review, you can pull the list out and have lots of things to talk about.

For those of us who are uncomfortable talking about our work, it is usually because we don’t want to seem like we are bragging. But the one key thing to remember is: it’s not bragging if it’s facts.


Practice brings happiness.

When someone we care about is down, we can quickly list all of the wonderful things about them, all of their accomplishments, why they are the best of the best. Why can’t we do that for ourselves? Be proud of how far you have gotten in life. Everyone has done and is doing remarkable things in their everyday lives. It doesn’t have to be things like having five PhDs, traveled 30 countries or can blow fire.

Yes, those things are remarkable but everyday things like cooking a fresh meal every night, going for a walk a couple of times a week, not killing your kids for ruining the kitchen, performing any activity that is bringing you closer to your goal is something to be proud of. Realizing these things and celebrating them will allow you to be happy with where you are.

Tip: Check in with a friend every once in a while. Ask them what they have been doing that they are proud of and share what you have been doing that you are proud of. 



Some people may preserve confidence as cockiness. When you talk about your accomplishments, the other person may feel you are trying to say you are better than them. But that is not that case. Everyone is remarkable in their own way. Remind them that they are remarkable too. Help them find the confidence within themselves to see that.


Actions/Take Away

Take 5 minutes today to write down everything you can think of that makes you remarkable. In your work, in your personal life, in your home life, among your friends. What are you proud of? What is something that feels like a chore but you do because you know it is good for you? It is hard to start at first but once you get a couple written down, more will come flowing.



Attend a workshop

If you want to attend a workshop by a Google trained facilitator, check out the #IamRemarkable website. There are workshops going on all over the world.