5 Easy Ways to Support Your Friend’s Business Without Spending a Dollar

With the number of millennial entrepreneurs seemingly growing daily, it’s almost impossible not to have a friend or family member who has started a business in the past few years. If you can relate to this you should know that it’s your responsibility to support your friend’s venture. You should be doing everything you can to make sure their business is as successful as anything you would promote with your name on it. Here are a few easy ways to support before you even spend one dollar. 


Share/Engage on social media

Social media is the largest platform we have that connects people from all over the world. It’s very possible to build a sustainable business/career solely using social media. This will be one of the best ways to support your friend’s business. It takes barely any effort to post, share, like and engage with them on any social media platform. You can also write reviews about them, offer a testimonial of their service, and comment on the things they post. You would do the same for your favorite celebrity, why not support your friends the same way?


Listen to their ideas

Being an entrepreneur is hard and support is crucial during the journey. Nobody has all the answers and when you’re too close to an idea sometimes you need to step away. Don’t be surprised if your friend is hitting you up at 1 am to bounce some ideas off you. Even if you think they don’t sound all that great, offer some back or help them mold the ones they have. If your friend highly values your opinion they will be counting on you for that support.


Encourage them during hard times

With any business or venture you decide to put your all into, there will be ups and downs that come along with it. It’s important to have a support system during these times to hold you up and help you push forward. The only way to be successful at anything is to never quit. Encourage your friend by making sure they have the resources they need, checking on their mental health, and genuinely being there if they need anything. This will be the difference in winning and failing.


Tell everyone you know about what they offer

Outside of social media, word of mouth referrals is one of the most effective ways to support any business. Think of a product or service you experienced that was life-changing. You just wanted to tell the world about it right? Be the same way when it comes to your friend’s business! Tell people you know, connect them with people from your network, be their biggest cheerleader!


Volunteer your time or skills 

Another easy way to support is by offering your time, talents, and gifts to your friend’s business. Whether you build websites, do marketing, are an incredible salesperson, or can shoot videos for them – anything helps! This can also be a good way for you to realize your own purpose as well. Maybe you’re helping your friend with their podcast and realize you may have a future as a producer or personality. Be open and willing to help and volunteer your time and you friend will appreciate you beyond measure.