Combating Loneliness in a Post-College World

As we say our farewells to college, you may experience loneliness post-graduation. Either moving back home or to a new location for a new job will leave many graduates in a new environment and away from their friends and family.…

The Truth About Being Bisexual in a Modern LGBTQ+ Society

Although we’re in a more accepting time, being bisexual in modern society is still a challenging terrain to navigate. With bisexual erasure being a prominent sentiment within the LGBTQ+ community and beyond, it may be hard to feel like one…

The Importance of Mental Health Advocates in the African American Community

Conversations about mental health in the black community have historically been taboo and also overdue. Most of us have grown up in families where our mental wellness was never addressed. With generations of oppression, trauma, and pain we are a…