11 Items to Drastically Improve Your Work From Home Experience for Under $100 on Amazon

Working from home can provide highly coveted comforts like privacy and holding meetings in your pajama pants. But is it possible to elevate your home office?  Consider the space that you will be in for most of your day: your…

Why You Should Always Put Your Mental Health First Before a Job

Last spring I accepted a job offer to become a Marketing Manager for a local non-profit. I had originally applied for an Event Coordinator position, but it went to another candidate. However, I received a phone call from the manager…

How To Break Barriers as a Woman in a Male-Dominated Industry

Historically, the world has not been incredibly equal for all species – especially women and people of color. This has not stopped marginalized populations from breaking barriers socially, economically, and politically. With all the achievements made by women in the…