Working From Home with Your Significant Other

Working from home pre-pandemic was more relaxing and carefree. I personally took it as a laid back workday. I’d run errands, go to the doctors, and have Netflix playing in the background while I work. Now, working from home can be stressful. The days blur together and my productivity can drop real fast if I don’t constantly stay focused. Since the majority of our time is spent at home, the lines between work and home can be blurred. You can slack off a little since your manager isn’t breathing down your neck. It’s easy to get distracted when you are spending so much time with your significant other, so here are some tips to stay productive and help with your work-life balance. 

Stick to your work hours

I work during my normal work hours and I don’t bother my boyfriend at all. I treat him like I would any co-worker in the office. I will have small conversations with him in passing, like if he is going to the kitchen or to the bathroom. I keep conversations short and simple. It’s like if you were walking by your co-worker’s desk and stop by to chit chat for a little. 

No personal talk!

I separate work and home by never talking about home/personal stuff while at work. “What do you want to eat for dinner?” “Did you buy any chicken?” “When is the electric bill due?” I wouldn’t do this during work hours, so the rule still applies at home. 

Follow your normal work routine

When I’m not on calls, I like to listen to music or podcasts while I work. I find that keeping to that routine helps with my focus while working from home. It also prevents me from walking over to my boyfriend’s work station to bother him while he is trying to work. Another big thing that I do at work is to take walks. I take walks for two reasons. When I get overwhelmed, I take a short walk around the building and come back in. It gives me a bit of fresh air and lets me recenter my focus and tackle the task at hand. I also walk when the weather is nice out. I will either take a walk at lunch or sit outside in the park to eat my lunch. This is a great way to get some air and help combat the stir-crazy during the quarantine. Make sure you wear a face mask to protect yourself and practice social distancing!

Plan around conference calls

Whether you live in a one-bedroom apartment or a house, it can be hard to be on conference calls. When I know my boyfriend is on a conference call, I try to be super quiet. I would definitely not do a load of laundry during this time. I try to keep my music or phone calls as quiet as can be. Most importantly, I don’t barge into his room to ask or say something to him. Another great tip, try not to take calls when you know your neighbor is mowing his lawn in the mornings. Super annoying to have to repeat every other word. 

Blame Susan! 

Like most co-workers, we all do something that can be inconsiderate. We try to make any stressful situation light-hearted by blaming that one co-worker, Susan. When I forget to refill the coffee machine or forget to put away my dirty dishes, my boyfriend will come up to me and be like “Ugh! Susan forgot to put her dishes away in the sink”. This acts as a friendly reminder that I did something wrong, while not coming off as harsh. It works great for our relationship! Just try not to make it a bad habit. No one wants that in the office or at home. 

Eat lunch together (sometimes)

Sometimes when I’m feeling chatty, I’ll have lunch with my boyfriend at the same time. It’s a nice break in the day and it’s what people use to unwind from their first half of the workday. We take that time to catch up and talk about things that we need to do. For example, this will be the time that I’ll remind him that he needs to take the recycling out tonight. 

Have a happy hour!

A great way to relax and unload all the stress from a hard day at work is to grab a drink together.  Enjoy a glass of wine together after you’re done work and unwind until dinner time. It’s totally okay to have a happy hour every day during a pandemic. Social norms don’t count during these trying times.