Avon Tran


5 Articles0 Comments

Avon is passionate about education and helping women succeed as entrepreneurs.

8 Fads Your Parents Thought Were Cool (And Probably Regret)
Believe it or not, your parents used to be cool...at some point. You've probably seen old photos of them on Facebook and thought there was no way in hell they were ever cool. Now this list won't exactly disprove that,…
5 Surprising Cities for Gen Z Entrepreneurs
It's no mystery that Gen Z is the next wave of entrepreneurs. And they might just be the smartest wave of entrepreneurs responsible for the next generation of breakthrough technology, since they were literally born into a world of technology.…
These States Are Plastic Bag Free and Here’s Why the Rest of America Needs to Follow
Single-use plastic bags are destructive for the environment, wasteful, and completely unnecessary. On average, Americans use 100 billion plastic bags annually. Nearly 12 million barrels of oil is spent every year to make plastic bags. A typical American family uses…
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Applying To College
You're graduating high school, and applying to college is the next big thing in your life. They taught you everything you needed to know during those 4 intense years except...well...the things that actually matter. It's the beginning of your adult…
This is Why You’re the Most Creative at Night
Everyone knows that we can be the most creative when we're out of our element and experiencing something new. People often travel in order to rejuvenate their creative juice and some people go as far as forcing themselves to do…