10 Ways to Cure Boredom in the House During Self-Quarantine

Let’s do our part to flatten the curve by staying home and cheering on our essential workers who are on the frontlines of the COVID19 pandemic. While we are at home for long stretches of time, symptoms of boredom and isolation may be intensified. Here are 10 ways to cure this boredom in the house during self-quarantine: 


1. Exercise 

While the gyms may be closed, there are still ways to be active at home. Tune into an Instagram Live session from your favorite trainer or find routines on YouTube to get the blood pumping and endorphins rushing. This self-quarantine will truly get your creative juices flowing with how to get those workouts done sans equipment. Cue those canned beans/sauces. 


2. Journal or Read⁣

This situation could be very overwhelming for some which make journaling a great way to cope with our current emotions and anxieties. Grab a pen or create a document in which you journal for a couple of minutes a day. Let all those thoughts and fears go and continue on with the day. Similarly, you can read if you prefer some quiet activities that do not require a screen. 


3. Start a movie series challenge with friends

Pick a series and watch one movie per day for a week! It’s a great way to reminisce on a particular series and see which movies from the series your friends love in comparison. Post it to Instagram or just keep it within the group chat to add a social component. 


4. Schedule a virtual hangout (i.e. happy hour)

For the extroverts at home, a virtual happy hour or hangout may cure feelings of loneliness and boredom. Pour yourself a drink and get social without leaving the comfort of your living room! Think of it as a great way to catch up with friends and unwind from the stressors we experience. 


5. Start a project you haven’t gotten around to

There are many things that we put off because of day to day life. Now is the perfect time to finally get around to those projects. Whether it is home improvement or learning a new skill to advance your career, there are many productive activities we can do to take up in our downtime. 


6. Get creative with the arts

Sing, play an instrument, craft, paint or draw. These activities are soothing and healing during uncertain times. Even if you aren’t an expert, the arts will enrich yourself and fill up time in your day. 


7. Get organized 

Similar to home improvement, this is a great time to get organized within the home or on your computer. Clean out your wardrobe, folders, etc and get organized with all the time we have on our hands. 


8. Become a culinary wizard 

Since we can’t dine in at restaurants, give your wallet a break and try your hand at cooking up some gourmet meals at home. Many people have taken up baking and attempting to recreate tasty dishes from their favorite restaurants. 


9. Listen to music, podcasts, audiobooks 

Music will always be a companion in times like these. Turn up the volume and dance around your room with your quarantine buddies. Podcasts and audiobooks are also great for quiet hours and time when you feel less social. 


10. Plant a garden

While exercise is permitted outside, it may be time to bring some nature indoors. Spring is a perfect time to start a garden and there are plenty of plant varieties that thrive in this season. Nurture your green thumb or try to cultivate one with an indoor garden or even outdoors if you have a yard.