The Happy Broadcast Shares Uplifing News in a World of Negativity

With all that is going on globally today, it is hard to keep our hopes up and keep a positive mindset. Between the news, people tagging us on social media, and the conversations happening around us, it is inevitable that some kind of bad news will come into our radar. The Happy Broadcast wants to remind us that there are good things going on in the world. But, it is here to balance out the bad news, not replace it.

Mauro Gatti has been in the creative field throughout his life working with companies like Google, YouTube, and Disney. When he decided to create The Happy Broadcast, it was a personal project to help with his social anxiety. All the negative news in the media made him feel overwhelmed so he created a parallel stream of news for anyone who may be feeling the same way.

A Balanced Diet

“Someone has said ‘good news is not news’ because they don’t sell. People like drama.”

It’s not that good news isn’t ever reported. You just really have to dig for it. The Happy Broadcast changes that by putting good news front and center. Mauro is not trying to replace the other side of the news we are used to. Like a balanced diet, we need to have the good and the bad, the veggies and the junk food.

Knowledge is Power

In order to create change, we first need to understand it. We need to educate ourselves so when we meet someone who does not know how they can help, we can give them options. But don’t be an extremist, that only makes things worse. We cannot force anyone to change. Think about the times when someone tried to push their beliefs on you. It made you want to stand your ground even firmer. But when someone shared information with you in a non-biased way, knowing they are giving you your own choice to make the decision about whether or not to make a change, you are more likely to listen.

“There is danger in not being educated.”

Lessons Learned

We have to be okay with not being perfect. Being too hard on ourselves will just prevent us from creating change in the first place. We need to compromise. For example: if you want to reduce the use of plastic by buying your own reusable water bottle but forgot it one day, buy a bottle of water. No need to go thirsty or be upset with yourself for it. As a compromise for forgetting your reusable bottle, make sure you are taking the proper steps afterward by recycling or reusing it.


You may not be able to convince someone to fully give up something they have been doing their whole lives like eating meat, for example. But compromise with them about only eating it twice a week and see where it goes from there. Small steps make a huge difference. Small steps from everyone adds up.

Call to Action

Mauro’s goal is to educate the younger generation that the world is not a frightening place and positive change can only happen when people take action. Each act of kindness we read about was done by someone who made a move to make a difference. In order to continue to have positive news to share, we too need to do more than just like a photo. We need to understand the problems that are going on, see what people are doing to help, join them or create our own way of solving the problem.
The Happy Broadcast will be coming out with a book of illustrations this year with ideas of how each person can make a difference. For now, you can read more about each illustration and see where the source is coming from on The Happy Broadcast website.